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🎶 HUGO RACE & The Fatalists 🎶

Photo credits: Kasco Image​

03 Giugno 2017

Location: Chille de la Balanza Festival - Firenze

HUGO RACE & The Fatalists

Hugo Race con Antonio Gramentieri a Firenze, Arci il Progresso - 'Sì perché una volta salito sul palco lui ti cattura e non ti lascia più andare via; vieni catapultato in uno spazio e un tempo indefiniti e quando avvertirai la sensazione di sentirti perso e ipnotizzato dall…a sua musica, sarà proprio quello il momento in cui penserai che tutto il resto che sentirai dopo non avrà più importanza…' Fine, broody album from former Bad Seed plus collaborators. Previously responsible for the vivid, ambient ranges of the instrumental album Between Hemispheres, Hugo Race follows up with a husky, song-based offering. The much travelled Race again brings his varied sense of atmosphere and backdrop to enhance the complex emotional states presented in these songs. (- Uncut **** UK) ‘Melbourne native and now international tourist Hugo Race has released an LP that not only reassures the world of his prolific nature but also the depth of talent, vision and mesmerising songcraft of which he is capable. Hugo Race’s history as a member of the Bad Seeds and The Wreckery has often bound his name to the Melbourne mafia, yet on Fatalists he has revealed his penchnat and undoubtable knack for writing death ballads which, whilst lying in the realm of traditional folk, exude a morose and at times fragile sonic quality. Whilst the solo work of Nick Cave, Mick Harvey, Rowland S Howard and Hugo Race all share aesthetic and aural similarities, they also are highly indivifual works from unique and creative figures. Race has perhaps created the opus which will define his long career.’ (- Drum Media, Australia, Feb 2011) ‘Hugo Race’s ‘ Fatalists’. An atmosphere combining a David Lynch film with a Cormac McCarthy novel…’ (- Lost Highways,

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